Three Words: Lindsay Carlisle Shay

Jan 5, 2012

Hi Everyone! Hope your day's been great! Mine's been pretty run of the mill. Nathan is feelign much better, so thats really super great. You married folks know, if one of you doesn't sleep, you both don't, so it's nice that he's getting better. Also, it didn't click to me, that when you sleep in way late, your body wants to stay up later, and since I like to go to bed early, that just doesn't work. I know, I'm roughly 100 years old. Whatever, I do what I want!
Anyways, after I'm done taking care of my internet things, I'm on my way to having coffee at Shady with my dear friend Erin. It's been wayy too long since I've seen her last. Life just gets so crazy doesn't it? I feel like I better soak in this time of calm and having time to do stuff.  In about 2 weeks school starts again, and with graduation, and senior recital, and working. The word craziness will basically define life in general. Bring it. that's what I say!

ANYWAYS! this is what I decided to wear today. I just realized that for somereason, it kind of looks like the outfit I posted yesterday. Whoops. however, I think the boots in this outfit are way more exciting. These beautiful vintage Justins are in my possesion as a result of my Husband putting them on hold at work. Some husband buy their wives flowers, mine puts shoes on hold for me... equally valuable!

This bun is so decieving, and I love it! My hair is growing out painfully slow, and in order to make it look fuller and bigger, I just tease the living daylights out of it and pin it like crazy. I;m quite pleased with the results.
 I'm really not sure what I'm doing with my face here, like if I meant to blink, or if my eyes are just closed. The world will never know. not even me.

 I know there's a rule that says never match your shoes to your bag, or that you always should, or that the second is way outdated so ignore it, I dont know, but one thing I do know is: these boots perfectly match the Vintage dooney that my husband got me for Christmas, and if matching is wrong, then I don't want to be right! Eff the rules!
 Here's a few pictures of how we've been ringin' in the new year: Nathan's been painting up a storm, I repurposed our bookshelf as a nick-nack shelf (those flowers are real!!), and when your wubby gets sick, you make him his favorite dish. This delicacy is one I like call: egg stuff.

Well you lovely people everywhere, thats about it for me today. Time has come for me to get going. Remember how I told you I needed to celebrate my great yesterday by going to Freestyle, well besides coming away with those excellent boots, I had to put a million things on hold, so thats one of my errands, sell sell sell, so I can buy buy buy....all before I go to coffee with the Lovely Erin. See you soon!


  1. the boots totally reminded me of vintage Dooney before I even read that part! excellent find!

  2. i'd rather have a pair of boots like this over flowers any day of the week.

    lovely blog and i'll be following!

    warm wishes from florida! leyla.

  3. The bun looks excellent :) Please check out my blog!

    Laura x

  4. Hey !
    I'm in love with your boots !



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