I make up for lost time when I come home

Jan 4, 2012

Hi Everyone!! How are you all? I've been having a pretty stellar week myself! Things really seem better when your start off your week relaxing with your family. I know I should probably wait to tell you about thing exciting partnership when things actually get going, but I just can't wait! If you look to the side bar on the right of this page, you'll see the shop www.shesinside.com on the side. I've just partnered with them to do a feature on this page and I'm really stoked about it. I'm really excited about it because it's the first time i'll be partnering my blog with a website. Let me tell you, it was really tough picking out just one thing, everything was so cute, but I managed to do it!

Anyways, this is what I decided to wear the day I went on my thrifting excursion with my mom. I found this dress at the Stockton Crossroads outlet the day before, and let me tell you this: The crossroads outlet is the best store in the whole company. I don't care what anyone says. I always find really unique things there. This dress isn't exactly unique, but it sure is cute, and it sure was $3.78, so there.

 The trees on my parents street are so cool, even in then winter. When the weather warms up they line the street and it's just so shady and beautiful. For one second it makes you forget that you're in Stockton! The sun actually did come out later that day, but that morning it was sooooo cold, I had to sacrifice the natural light and go inside. There was no way I could stay out there.

Anyways! Thats about it for me today! Not really a lot to write about today, except for my exciting partnership stuff. I'm probably gonna celebrate by going to Freestyle, even though my wubby is already home from work. Like I told you yesterday, he's sick, so he can't really go crazy... as crazy as you can go working retail...well, I guess I could probably go crazy (in a good way) if I was working at my favoritist store of all time... who knows. Anyways! all that to say, I gotta get myself to freestyle. I'll see you soon!

1 comment :

  1. Cute! I didn't even know Crossroads had outlets.. I might have to visit that one soon!

    xo Jennifer



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