
Feb 21, 2011

Yes!! I was digging around in the junk closet that Nathan and I use to store the randomest things… and lo and behold… what do I find? The old digital camera that Nathan’s mom gave me for my birthday right before we went to disneyland for our honeymoon!! The self-timer is in working condition so you know what that means… It’s blogging time!! Yes, Lord!!! Free Clothes you better know I’m coming for you…
Before the end of this day, be sure to subscribe to Parrish The Thought and you will see what I have created with things found from only thrift stores and buy sell trade joints (okay so mainly freestyle)!!!
This has made me very excited:) It's not a fancy camera, but it'll work for now:)

1 comment :

  1. It's always cool to find things you've long forgotten about, gives you nostalgia.



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