I Think We're All Just Moderately Wingin' It

Feb 22, 2011

Hello all you wonderful people. I hope everyone in this area is being truly appreciative of this beautious weather. I thought it was going to be rainy, thats what the internet machine said. But it wasn't! Thanks Lord. Nathan and I stayed up here in the sacramento area for most of the weekend, but as we normally do, we went down to Stockton to visit the fam.

My mom's backyard is soooo much more beautiful than any place I could find to take pictures at my house, so I took advantage before we drove up to go back to school/work. The Awkwardness is still very much a factor. Somehow though, when you're outside, it's not quite so bad... I mean... LOOK AT THE WEATHER.

Sweater: thrifted, Skirt: Thrifted, Shoes (Deena and Ozzy from Freestyle), Navy Tank Dress (AA from Freestyle)
 This sweater is sooooo cozy!! It's like a robe thats acceptable to wear in public!! Not mention its way more exciting than my boring ol' long black cardigan. Confession: I wore this navy tank dress yesterday as top under a skirt as well, but I'm justified in that you couldnt hardly see it with my outfit yesterday!

This crinkly/pleated skirt is quite possibly the most figure flattering skirt known to mankind

I love pockets. I'm so awkward with my hands otherwise.
I was trying to figure out the self-timer on my little camera that I found, and I tried to take a picture of myself from the dashboard of the car... that clearly worked great!

sunglasses: Tattered House Vintage
Oh yeah, my brother is home from Hollywood, and it's always grrrrreat to see him when he comes home. My parent's dogs also love it.
Here's what we look at on our way home from Stockton. Not bad. My camera'a not great so you can't see how beautiful the mountains are way in the back....

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