O Pioneers!

Feb 16, 2012

Hello Everyone! Happy Thursday to you! I hope your week has been going well. Mine's been surprisingly low-key. One thing I really love about having 11.5 units my graduating semester is that I have hardly any homework! I mean, I do have internship stuff, but thats like...seriously nothing. So I have plenty of time to devote to my blog! Hooray! Actually... I do have to do housework as well. Darn.

Anyways! This is what I decided to wear today. Have you ever read any books by the author, Willa Cather? Her books are brilliant, and wayyy under-rated. She wrote my favoritist book of all time, O Pioneers! I know, I'm a pretty big user of exclamation points, but there actually is one in this title. Anyways, I feel like this dress would be something someone would wear in one of her books. It's kind of pioneery... I think it's the sleeves

 I really love the fishtale style of this skirt. The ruffle is so nice on it. It's so girly and summery. I can't wait until the weather really warms up and I won't have to wear tights on it!
 I'm not sure you can really tell, but I let my hair air dry today...that means it's huge and weair and wavy. So I kind of pinned it back. I think the hairstyle also lends to the pioneer-y way of this outfit.

 Isn't this print precious! It's little birdies!

Well everyone, thats about it for me today. Our music department is gearing up for the major fundraising dinner, we call it the "Night Of Classics", and the them this year is The magic of DISNEY!!! I am so excited! They are doing a gigantic Mary Poppins medley... What a way to finish your college career! No one on this earth loves Julie Andrews like I do,  I'm very excited about it! But I have to learn the songs like the back of my hand so I can audition for them! We'll see. Anyways, that's what I'll be doing!  See you soon!

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