plaid shirts and striped pants rarely make a positive fashion statement

Jun 9, 2011

Hello everyone! I hope your day is going great. Thus far mine's going pretty great. I just got finished eating breakfast with my dearest friend, Rachel from school. I can always count on good talks on all subjects with her. When I say "all subjects" I'm not kidding. Our conversation went from Disney Music, to Coffee, to Jesus, to our Nathans (her BF's name is Nathan too), to just about everything. So fun. The rest of the day can only bring more wonderment I'm sure.

This is what I decided to wear today. I feel like it's really... June Cleaver meets Americana, which I love. I just have to brang about the price of this outfit for one moment. This outfit (not including the shoes) cost $6, and thats being Generous. Part of the greatness that is thrift store shopping in Stockton is the fact that you can fill your entire basket for less that $50. I have to compeletely transparent when I say that my thrift tendencies border on hoarding

 This skirt could not be more versatile. I'm already planning other outfits with it. It's so comfy with the elastice waistband. I think I could even wear this to watch the kids on the days I work, with different shoes of course!

You know those days when you feel like you're having a great hair day? Today thats me. I tried something a little different so that my awkwardly out-grown pixie cut could get some volume, and let me tell you, it worked. I was very happy.

 So I never really wear stuff in my hair, because my hair isn't long enough, but I felt that this little flower really fit the outfit, without overwhelming my tiny little ponytail.
 Isn't the plaid of this button down fun? I love Primary colors, they are so summery. That day of shopping at the thrift was the day of Primary, as I bought a lot of stuff with that same color scheme.

 Remember what I said about \platform wedges? I wasn't joking. This little beauties make me 6'2", and I love it.

Well everyone thats about it for me today. I'll be post pictures of my nanny adventures soon enough. But for this super gorgeous day, I'm just gonna take it easy. I suggest you do the same. See you soon!


  1. pretty, pretty! i'm kind of jealous of that skirt. it's perfect for summer ;)

  2. SECOND FAVORITE OUTFIT!!!! (I think I am just obsessed with long pencil skirts. I reaaaaaaalllllllly want one of my own. You must help me find one best friend.

  3. Fabulous outfit. You are so pretty! Love what you did with your hair. Wish I could keep that kind of volume :)

  4. You make my penis throb, just jacked off to these pics

  5. I want to wear that skirt and blouse while i'm licking your sopping pussy

  6. Love jacking off to these pictures


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