there is no sure-fire do-it-yourself kit

Jul 25, 2012

Hello everyone!! Hope you’re having a fabulous Wednesday. I start my babysitting job again, and I’m so glad.  It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve seen my little buddies, so I’m excited. We have a lot to catch up on, like… Comparing the last three Spiderman movies to this new one, which I thought rocked. I think Gwen Stacy was a way better girlfriend than Mary Jane, not to mention, that I have a celeb girl-crush on Emma Stone. How can you not? She’s so adorable? Also, in Spiderman she wears boots with EVERY outfit. It’s just pretty obvious that we were meant to be best friends.

ANYWAYS! Enough with that. Onto other things! I’ve been playing around on pinterest, looking for fun DIY projects that someone like me, who loves crafts, but doesn’t have the funding for supplies, to try. And I found one! It was like it was calling to me. Bright beautiful colors + costume jewelry? Yes please.

For those of you who tons of old prom “diamonds” laying around, OR if you were in a university choir that required to you wear sparkly sparkles (pretty from far away, tacky with anything other than your choir dress), then this little DIY is perfect!!

All you do is take your old jewelry, your favorite nail polish, and paint away. It is a little tedious, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a little head-ache from this project. You should probably do this near and open window, or a fan. The fumes get a little crazy. Also, probably not a great idea to have the nail polish directly under my face... Also, look how think my lashes are! Maybeline Falsies is to thank for that!

This is my necklace from Choir from 2010. I decided to go with Revlon’s Minted (No. 85).

 I put on two coats of nail polish to give it a more plastic look.
 I hung it on the arm of my piano stand to let it dry. Unfortunately the journey from the couch to the piano was a messy one, but you really can;t tell now.

AND here’s the finished product! How cute!! I will probably wear this with something that has no print or anything. I decided to model it with my plain coral colored dress. Thanks pinterest, for your never ending supply of fun things to do! I’ll be keeping my eyes out at the thrift store for more like this J 

Well everyone thats about it for me today! If you decided to try this DIY, I totally wanna see it. Well, now is this time for me to be productive. We'll see. Tomorrow is the day of truth... my first real haircut in 2+ years... It's so weird to think that there was once a time when I went to the salon faithfully every 8 weeks. Maybe now that I have a real job that day will come again...I liked those days. Anyways... see you soon!

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