If you can sing with a Creed voice, You can do all sorts of cool stuff

Jul 19, 2012

Hello everyone!! So I am back for reals from the fire. What a crazy experience! Gail says that it's easy to catch the "fire bug", and she is so right! I was only making copies, but let me tell you, making copies has never been more fun...or meaningful. I know it sounds kinda silly for making copies to be meaningful, but we make copies of very important documents, and we really help the people who are protecting peoples' homes and loved ones! Let's just say, there's more to the job than I realized.

Anyways, since I'm back, I thought I would usher in my return with a fun feature! I've partnered up with the clothing site Solilor, and this is the lovely top that they sent me! How cute are these birds!! 

 I haven't really done my hair or makeup in about a week, so I feel really super glammed up, even though I'm totally not!
 Also, I've finally mastered the Sock Bun. I know, super late to the party, but you have no idea how happy I am about this, since I'm gonna be commuting and will need an easy hair do in the morning.

 Sometimes, you just need to wear extremely uncomfortable shoes from UO for the sake of looking cute.
Well thats about it for me today. I really hope Nathan and I do something fun this weekend. I don't even really know what that means, but sitting around watching Parks and Recreation is definitely not what I mean. Also, it started to rain while I was taking pictures... what the! weird! See you soon!

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