First Week Finish

Aug 25, 2012

Hello everyone!! I did it! I have officially survived my first week of school as a high school teacher. Let me tell you. The faculty, the students, the subject I get to teach. I love it all. Probably the one thing I could live without is.... Having to lay down the hammer. But I'm figuring out how to conduct class so I have to do that less and less.

Also: this is really exciting, the students in my choir and myself, are arranging our own song to share with the pastors of our community, and also their grandparents. I would invite my grandma, but she lives too far away. Anyways, let's just keep it short and simple. I'm in love with teaching. It's all I can talk about these days!

This is obviously not what I wore today, I'm not in my classroom on a Saturday but here's what I wore yesterday. I'm looking for a camera with a self timer that actually take good pictures from my iPad. Any app suggestions?

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