Leon's never been anywhere. He doesn't have any feet!

Dec 14, 2012

Hello everyone! TGIF am I right? Yes. I am. This week for me has been pretty easy, considering I'm just reviewing what we've talked a bout all year. I can't even begin to tell you what a fantastic year this has been. Here's the top 5 events
1) I graduated from college this year! May 2012, I graduated from William Jessup university with a bachelors degree in music.
2) Nathan got hired full-time at our church and he works with your youth department
3) I got hired by Vacaville Christian high school to conduct their choir, teach bible, and also teach drama. I love love love it. I couldn't have prayed for a more wonderful position!
4) Kingdom Band was signed to Dream Records, so that's really super exciting!
5) as a graduation gift, my parents took us all to Disneyland... And we ate at club 33! It was amazing!
All of these things are all to the glory to God. Every single one of these great things is because of the fact that we obeyed The Lord.

Anyways, here's what I wrote today!!.

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