Hello there!
The Holidays for the most part are over. I know there's still Valentine's day, but that's pretty mellow in comparison to the weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know it's already February, and everyone else has posted about their goals and plans and whatever, I actually needed the month of January to think about how I wanted the rest of this year to look. As a church employee the Holidays don't leave a ton of time for extensive personal reflection, so I took this slower month to really think about pray about what God wanted from me. This year, my word is: Simple. I HAVE to declutter, and I'm not even talking about stuff.

Some of my goals:
- Unplugging: Like every single person in the world, I charge my phone by my side of the bed. When I wake up, I check my phone. While I make my coffee, I look at my phone. As soon as I get into the car, I check my phone (I'm almost always the passenger, don't worry!). When I get into my office, I check my phone. Are we seeing a pattern here? I am always looking at my phone. Nate and I are definitely the couple who sit at breakfast on their phones and don't talk to each other. It's so awful. No more. This a big one for me. If this is you too, here's so practical stuff that I'm doing.
- I'm gonna start charging my phone in the kitchen. That way I can't roll over and just look at my phone.
- I'm gonna leave my phone in my office during meetings and coffee dates. Whoever I'm ACTUALLY with deserves my full attention. (This should go without saying right?!)
- Getting Healthy, Staying Healthy: So I actually started this journey back at the end of September, and you can read about it the previous blog post. Since then I've lost a total of 20 lbs. I look and feel very different, and I've accomplished a major goal, but this is something I'd like to make a serious priority in my life.
-Simplifying: I'm kind of having an existential moment right now. I'm caught in a weird place between Urban Outfitters, and Anthropologie. Does anyone know what I'm going through? Not in my 20's and for sure not a grown-up. Anyone? In the name of simplifying, I want to define that which is Rachel, style wise. I know this sounds superficial and kind of silly, but it's in the name of purging and simplicity that I do this. I just have wayyyy too much, and actually wear way too little. The thought of it even stresses me out. Here's to simplifying and letting go!
- Taking a break: Parrish the Thought has been a love of mine that I've done as a hobby. I started this blog in 2011 as a full time student. It started mainly as a fashion blog documenting my daily outfits and talking about my life at Jessup. Those were very sweet days, and I'm really glad I have so much written about them. But after 6 years, as you can imagine a lot has changed. I'm not putting Parrish the Thought away, but I need to take some time to re-brand and think about what the purpose of this blog is. I'd like to really take some time to actually think through and plan posts, photos, and social media. This is the year! The Women in Worship column is one of my favorite additions to this blog, so I'd like to stay in the vein. Either way. The blog itself if going to take a break and come back in June.
- Breath in, Breathe out: I like being busy. I like having lots to do and I love love love checking off my to-do list. It gives me so much joy. This tends to pay off for me generally, but it doesn't translate into my time with Jesus. Slowing down and really taking time to LISTEN to the Lord is just as "productive" as reading the Word, and praying. Even using the word "productive" gives me the grossies, but I'm hoping you understand what I mean. I don't want to check the "time with Jesus" thing off my list. I want to know Jesus better. Period.
Don't these things just seem like "duh"!! I feel like they are. I know these don't seem like life-changing goals, but EVERYTHING is about knowing and serving Jesus better, thats the ultimate goal right? What do you think? What are you changing? What are your goals? Happy 2017, happy February, and I'll see you in JUNE!