Is Bigfoot Real? Can 27 People Be Wrong?

Jan 13, 2012

Hello Everyone! I realize that it's almost 9PM, but hey better late than never for a post, right?! I've really had quite the full day. Coffee, Friends, Shopping, Forcing people onto this blog, babysitting, wow. Really super great way to spend the last day of break, if I didn't have the option of spending every single second with my husband, which I didn't. AND since I didnt, I went to coffee with the ever wonderful Erin, who I always go to coffee with, at the ever delicious, Shady Coffee and Tea, where I always have coffee! I actually have significantly cut down my Starbucks drinking this break. I mainly made my own coffee, and I'm very happy about the money I saved doing so. Easily over 100 dollars. double wow.

Also: Last night I rented the Movie Joody Moody and the Not Bummer Summer. Nathan hated it. It's a movie for 12 year old girls! Of course he hated it! But... seeing past the very obvious silly facade of the kiddiness, I loved it. It was so sweet, and Heather Graham as the Crazy Aunt Opal was awesome. I really do like kid movies not like Spy Kids kid movies, but kid books turned into movies, like Diary of a Wimpy Kid. PLUS, it scores majorly with the kids that babysit. However, I asked Luca and Dario if they were into Joody Moody....evidently it's only for girls, and they have no interest in it.

Despite their lack of leaves, the Trees really add to the beauty of old roseville.
 Erin and I are embracing an incresing internet trend that I've noticed hasn't really caught on here in Roseville...Yet. Trust me. My prediction is the next expensive "ugly" shoe trend will be these Dansko Proffessionals. I know they're not the most beautious shoes, but gosh, they are so comfy. And, for the record, I find them cute. Especially in black paten and leopard print! Ours are actually the knock-offs from Kohls, but they look identical, and there were literally 95% cheaper.
 Dancin it up in our Danskos. Celebrating our comfort and our frugality. Go us.
Well everyone, thats about it for me. Tomorrow Nathan has a Tattoo appointment in Stockton, so you know what that means! Hooray! Family time! Seriously, nothing funner. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend everyone! See you soon.


  1. I know that shoe brand!! It looks totally comfy!


  2. You look so cute, I love the scarf <3

  3. Haha love the last two photos! Your shoes are so fun! Have a great visit!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

  4. Love your infinity scarf! I wear mine so often when it's cold!

    xo Jennifer

  5. I really want a pair of Dansko clogs and am secretly excited that they are becoming trendy! I tried on a pair a few weeks ago and fell in love :) They are comfortable indeed!


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