I wish excercising self-control counted as working out!

Jun 27, 2013

Hello everyone! Thought I would share a few pic of my most recent thrifting adventure. I am actually at the very end of my financial rope, so I didn't end up actually purchasing anything, but good greif, it was so tough. If excercising restraint could make you buff... I'd be a body builder. There were so many great and beautiful things. 

Anyways, here's what i wore out and about the city of Rocklin ca. I did find that beachy wavy hair is a great hairstyle for trying on. Your hair never gets messed up! In fact, the messier the better, win/win! Also, this little denim dress was a secondhand find from a few days ago, I can't believe its taken me this long to take it for a spin. I'm in love with it! It'll be great when it gets cooler too with some tights. Too short for school though. This will be a church-only dress. How ironic.
short denim dress rachel parrish
I was dying over just about everything in the fitting room. Why did I even go in! The skirt on the left, and the maxi-dress underneath it were the real treasures. If they are still there on Sunday, It was meant to be. Gosh, seriously though, look at those ruffles.
short denim dress
I don't know if I've ever blogged about these little mocs. They aren't Minnetonka, and they are definitely not real leather. They are old lady comfort brand shoes! You would have never known! Found these babies during the winter. They are so comfy, and they were so cheap!
Black Moccasins
For those of you who follow my instagram, you saw that I finally got my June Birchbox. Super super fun subscription, and also super cheap at only $10/month! I'll be reviewing the box tomorrow. Anyways, I hope you guys are all having a great week thus far. I have a San Francisco trip scheduled with my mom for Friday. I can't even wait! I probably won't even sleep! See you soon!

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