Don't you dare badmouth Star Wars! That was all accurate!

Dec 27, 2011

Hi Everyone. ‘Tis the days after Christmas and everything Holiday-wose is starting to wind down. Our holiday was a little interrupted by my having to work Christmas eve, but that’s okay, it was a really pleasant work day. We got to spend a lot of time with my family, and that was really nice. Our nephews are still young enough to get toys for Christmas, so it was fun seeing them open up Star Wars figures. I somehow managed to not take a single picture, so sadly, I have no pictures to share with you of our holiday… wow…

Anyways, today is a day of catching up and comfy outfits. So this is what I decided to wear today as I go and run a few errands. It’s not a very creative outfit, but it gets the job done. It’s been probably the sunniest winter in history here, which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed, so I don’t have to wear a coat today. This makes shopping very convenient, because well… who wants to wear a heavy coat while walking around Target? No one.

Maybe it’s a faux-pas to wear socks with flats, but I really like the color combo here, and while it’s too warm to wear a coat, it’s still too cold to wear just flats. Plus, I got these little grey babies for Christmas and cashmere socks are like the coziest socks known to mankind!

So… that’s about it for me today. I hope your holidays were all wonderful and peaceful. Can you believe the new year is 4 days away? Where did the rest of it go? Oh 2011... I’m actually ready to see you go, I’m looking forward to a new year. Well everyone, I’ll see you soon!


  1. I really really love this outfit and it kinda inspires me because I thrifted a pussybow blouse in a great color, BUT, I really don't like how the shoulders fit and I am not about to tailor it, so I will layer it! xo

  2. Very cute. I don't want to walk around Target in anything, so I agree with the discomfort of a heavy coat.


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